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Galaxy is one of the betting sites known for offering many store options in Ethiopia. The chance to win up to 500,000 ETB on Galaxy is offered, and the fact that it is a site with many gaming choices, including virtual betting, makes it competitive in the Ethiopian betting industry. See Vamos BetsBetikaHulusport
Galaxy displays the latest football news to its customers on its page, and borderers can also track the money transfer proceedings on their accounts by clicking on the ‘Check Processing’ link.

How to register on Galaxy Home?

  • Click on the ‘Register Here’ link on the front page
  • Enter your full name and residence address
  • Fill in your date of birth and email address
  • Opt-in account name and password•
  • Fill in information useful for memory if you forget password
  • Click ‘Record’ at the bottom

LiveScore Banner

How to deposit money on a GalaxyBet?

Similarly, when you want to withdraw money from your Galaxy account, you can log into your account and click on the Withdraw link, then fill in the account name and the amount of money you want to withdraw, and you can spend your money by going to Galaxy store agents and telling them the account name and amount of money.

Payment Options

To transfer
money to another account• Log in to your account
• Under the ‘Transfer’ option, fill
in the recipient’s phone number and the amount of money you are sending• Click ‘Transfer’

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